Let's dive in!

Vinyasa Krama Course
Beginners course
~ 4 Pranayama foundation practices from VK, available to all levels, to help you quiet your mind and turn focus inward to bring balance into busy life and mind.
mix of lead & self-practice classes ( 2x lead + 6 SP classes) focus
on Moon seq. ( Chandra Krama) and after on dynamic Sunshine seq. (
Atapa Krama) to balance body and mind/ yin yang energy within.
~ 1:1 or 1:4
~ Online sessions/ 1x week
~ Tailored to individual needs and physical constitutions
~ Suitable for all levels and all bodies.
~ 6-weeks course
~ investment 222€/ person (1:1) and 181€/ person (1:4)
*** Prio INTRO 20mins call recommended. Please use contact form.

Trinity Alchemy (Body-Mind-Soul)
Road to Wholeness 1:1
~ Describing an embodiment journey to transformation involves weaving together the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects into a narrative that captures the depth and richness of the experience.
Combination of creative expression (clay/paint), emotional energetic
release from physical body and subconscious and embodying lightness
within, true alchemy within.
Powerful synergy of energetic coaching and yin fascial yoga, dynamic
spiraling harmonising 4 elemental forces within to walk life with joy in
your heart.
~ Individual sessions offer a personalised and focused approach to personal growth and development. These sessions are designed to address specific needs
~ V mojom programe "Trinity Alchemy: Road to Wholeness" spájam fyzický, emocionálny, mentálny a spirituálny aspekt do harmonického celku. Vediem ženy k integrácii štyroch elementov, aby mohli kráčať životom s radosťou v srdci a naplno stelesniť svoju autentickú silu.
🌿 Uvoľni telo. Osloboď myseľ. Nájdi seba. 🌿
~ Online sessions
~ 3 months journey/ 2x a month (option to add 1 extra month in addition for 231€/ month)
~ investment 696€/ person
*** Prio INTRO 20mins call required. Please use contact form or get in touch via IG/FB.
Special offer: Intuitive energetic reading- 40 mins
~ During this special session I will read what is imprinted in your energy field to help you to navigate and connect with your true self, to uncover what is hidden underneath the known eyes which can help you in your next steps. It might help you to understand yourself better to create balance and harmony in your life.
Your energy never lies!
~ Reach out if this offer calling you!
~ investment 55€
~ Live boldly, live well!