Vinyasa Krama Yoga

Moon Seq. ( Chandra Krama)

Sunshine Seq. (Atapa Krama)

~ Beautifully designed and put together sequences by Matthew Sweeney. They are embracing our own individual body, physical needs, flexibility, mobility and having therapeutic approach where variations and props are incorporated to suit all needs.
 ~ Moon sequence having balancing sattvic and inward looking aspect to bring balance into our movement and life, to sooth our mind and slow down the breath and rhythm.
~ Sunshine sequence is modification and upgrade to Ashtanga 1. series with attention to balance upper and lower body to build and open to safely progress towards more advanced postures.

 ~ 4 Pranayama foundation practices from VK, available to all levels, to help you quite your mind and turn focus inward to bring balance into busy life and mind

Suitable for all levels and all bodies.

Dynamic Spiraling & Yin Fascia Yoga

~ Beautifully combing and created approach from Beta Gaiana Lisboa to regulate and release any stored trauma from your physical body. Trauma-informed and mindfulness incorporated system to help you to find the safe space within and go as far as it OK for you.

~ Yin Fascia Yoga is taking account that we all experienced trauma in our childhood and as it has not been fully acknowledged, it stored in our tissues making our hips, shoulders to be stiffed, restrict of movement, decrease mobility, stress, anxiety,  pain etc.

~ My approach and practice of DSYFY taking this into account and sequences are created to regulate your CNS and to free your body and your mind to bring balance into your daily life. on and off the mat.

*** Taught exclusively only within Energetic Embodiment Course.